
im katherine. i stay at home with the sweetest girl, everly. im married to jon...hes amazing. we have a house that i battle to stay clean, i make babyfood, i cloth diaper, i breastfeed and sometimes feel like a dairy maid. im not here to judge what you do with your kid, what works for me is just that, for me...for you? maybe not. and thats alright. lets just all try to be friends, shall we? i have a lot of tattoos, i swear and am trying to get better at it, i like the sun and daydream in the winter about laying in the grass and letting it warm my skin. im just trying to raise our daughter to be a wonderful person someday but i am only human and i will make mistakes...i dont like to pay attention to the punctuation i should be using on here and thats because i write like i talk. but you might find the occasional comma where it belongs. yay me. i love books-thank you mom- i squeal for libraries...they give me palpitations and so do yard sales and consignment stores. i clip coupons like whoa but it saves us money in which i can indulge in putting awesome clothes on everly. im completely addicted to coffee and music-thank you brothers- for always jamming out and putting the love of good tunes in my soul. i hate kids music...its lame...you know it is, even if you do listen to it...and im often the mom in the library story time with my converse on and laughing (to myself) singing the farmer in the dell...but hey, its how i roll. i think that should sum me up in this little space i get to gab about myself. i love life, i love my husband and my daughter, and i hope you enjoy. later.